How To Prepare  

   For Your Tattoo    

Prior to Your Appointment

•Getting a good night’s sleep before your tattoo can ensure that your mind and body will be tip-top for your tattoo day! Getting a tattoo takes a lot of energy, and being well rested will make the process easier for your mind and body.

Get a good nights sleep;

•Make sure to moisturize and exfoliate the tattoo area at least a week before your appointment.
Healthy skin will tattoo a lot easier than dry, flakey skin.

•On the day of your appointment do not wear any skin care products (lotions, creams, butters, spray tan, etc). Clean and clear skin baabbbyy!

•If you get a lot of sun exposure, make sure to protect your skin by wearing protective clothing, and/or use sun screen before your tattoo appointment. We cannot tattoo sun burnt or damaged skin.

•We ask that you do not shave prior to your appointment, unless otherwise directed by your artist.
We prefer to shave in-house to avoid razor burn and day(s) old stubble.

•Please do not wear or use numbing products.
This can have negative effects on your tattoo, as well as your health. These can be, but are not limited too; increased risk of infection, change in skin texture, loss of ink saturation, ink discoloration, increased scabbing, increased risk of scarring, increased sensitivity, and more.

Skin Care;

Diet & Hydration;

•It is recommended to eat healthy foods leading up to your appointment. Avoid processed, greasy, sugary foods, and drinks. Try vegetables, healthy proteins, healthy carbs, and fruits.

•Make sure that you eat within 2-4 hours of your appointment. You burn a lot of energy while getting tattooed, and not eating a proper meal can lead to undesirable consequences. These are, but not limited too, lightheadedness, nausea, vomiting, heavy sweating, fainting, and increased sensitivity.

•Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate! Water is important for our bodies to function properly, and for the health of your skin. Being properly hydrated will allow for a better tattoo process.

Recreational drug consumption can lead to negative effects during your session. These can be, but are not limited too; excessive bleeding, impaired judgement, increased risk of infection (overall a bad time.) Do not come to your appointment under the influence of recreational drugs.

Alcohol consumption can thin your blood, leading to a difficult tattoo session, or a poorly healed tattoo. Do not come to your appointment intoxicated.

•Caffeine can cause mild tremors, or exaggerate nervousness/anxiety disorders during your session. It is recommended to avoid caffeine on the day of your appointment.

Avoid Drugs, Alcohol, & Caffeine;

•Tattoos can take a long time to do, and sometimes they can be in a location that isn’t easily accessible. Make sure to wear clothing that will be comfortable for you, and allows the artist the ability to get to the tattoo area. Keep in mind that tattoos can be messy, so comfortable clothing that you wouldn't mind getting stained is recommended.

examples include ;
if you are getting a thigh tattoo -> shorts or pants that can roll up. cozy pants on one leg, off the other. dress/skirt.

if you are getting an underbust tattoo -> pasties, tape, front clasping bra or swimsuit top + zip-up hoodie, flannel, cardigan, button-up.

if you are getting a hip/buttock tattoo -> side tie (swimsuit or other) bottoms, shorts that can roll up high enough. cozy pants on one leg, off the other. dress/skirt.

if you are getting a back tattoo -> zip-up hoodie, flannel, button-up worn backwards. open back top. spaghetti strap or open back tank top.

Wear Appropriate, Comfortable Clothing;

What To…

  • •water; to stay hydrated
    •snacks; (optional; lunch for long appts)
    •pillow; (optional, but recommended)
    •state issued identification (see ID requirements for details)
    change of clothing; (if necessary)
    •entertainment (optional; headphones, book, digital reader, tablet, phone, handheld game device, notebook, etc)
    •you are allowed ONE guest.

  • A tattoo, as fun as they are, are a wound. There are things to expect after getting your tattoo, and they are, but not limited too;

    For larger tattoos expect all of the above plus the possibility of;
    •emotional changes. Getting a large tattoo can cause a biochemical reaction in your brain that leads to a period of hormonal based emotional changes.

    Signs of Concern;
    If you experience the following please contact your artist, and a doctor right away;

    •colored, foul smelling, discharge
    •swollen lymph nodes
    •chills and sweating
    •nausea and vomiting
    •redness that gets worse, spreads, or doesn't go away after a week

  • Before Getting Tattooed;
    no tanning, spray tanning, long term sun exposure.
    no heavy training/intense exercise
    no consumption of alcohol and recreational drugs

    After, Until Tattoo is Healed
    •no swimming or soaking in water
    no tanning, sunbathing, spray tanning, long term sun exposure
    no intense exercising, or activities that involve heavy sweating
    no shaving, laser, or other hair removal treatments in tattoo site
    use caution around furry animals

  • Possible Reactions;
    •allergic reaction to inks, ointments, soaps
    •possibility of infection if tattoo is not properly cared for

    Medical Conditions;
    •If you have a medical condition, it is recommended to speak with your health care provider before getting a tattoo. In most cases a doctors note will be required.
    •If you have diabetes, thin/aging skin (60+), or an autoimmune disease please tell your artist so we can give additional pre-service and aftercare instructions.

    •If you have scarring in the area to be tattooed, please speak with your artist during your consultation.

    Healing Times
    •Tattoos on average can about 2-3 weeks to heal. Depending on skin type, age, and medical conditions, this timeframe can be longer or shorter.

Things You Need

Mild Soap - no abrasives, perfumes, or exfoliants
-Recommended; clear unscented soft-soap, dial gold, blue dawn
-Avoid Dove

Moisturizer - clean & gentle
-Recommended; Hustle Butter, Inkeeze (Black, Pink, Vegan, Hi-Definition Balm / Lotion) , gentle lotion (Cetaphil, Lubriderm, CeraVe, Unscented Aveeno)

After Your Tattoo Is Healed
-sunscreen, high SPF and reef safe
-favorite skin moisturizer, to take care of your skin!

Short To Do List; -
-If you have pets, make sure to change out your sheets! Pet hair can gather in blankets, and you don’t want it sticking to your new tattoo
-If you are getting a tattoo in a hard to reach area, make sure you have someone who can help you clean, and take care of your new ink.

Common Tattoo Questions

  • Yes, you have to bring a form of identification. (See ID Requirementsfor details.) It is a Kansas State requirement that we have identification for tattoo services.

    If you do not bring your ID we will be unable to preform tattoo services, and therefore will need to reschedule your appointment with a forfeiture of your deposit. (See Tattoo Deposit and Scheduling Policy for details.)

  • Firstly, the youngest we can tattoo is 16, with parental consent. ( ID Requirements )

    We have one artist in shop who is willing to tattoo minors, with the condition of limited subject matter. She will not tattoo anything under the shirt or pant line, as well as no heads, necks, or hands. Please email the shop for more information.

  • Firstly, it is important to know that the youngest age we can work with for any tattoo services, or consultations, is 16.
    We will need some kind of state issued ID from both the minor and a birth parent as well as the original birth certificate for the minor. Acceptable ID includes: state issued ID, learners permit, drivers license, or US passport. We are unable to take copies, pictures, or digital renditions of any forms if ID, we will need the certified original physical document from both the minor and the parent.

    While it is not preferred, in some cases we can accept a physical copy of a school ID issued within the last two years. Again, please no copies, pictures on your phone, emailed documents, login to parent portals, etc. In cases where we are using a school ID, the name of the minor must match between the ID and the birth certificate. This can cause complications in cases where the minor has a preferred name printed on their school ID.

    Kansas State Law requires minor consent forms to be notarized. We generally offer in-house notarization for the paperwork required, making it a more convenient experience.

    In the case of legal name changes and/or preferred names (most frequently found on school IDs), the appropriate documentation will need to be provided. Please email the shop for more information regarding what we are looking for in these cases, but do rest assured we will always address you by your chosen name.

    In the case of adoption and fostering, please email the shop for more information. We are unable to allow step-parents to sign consent forms for their step-children, regardless of how long the step parent has been around in the life of the child. We are also unable to provide services to minors who are simply in the custody of an adult. We are looking for true and finalized permanent adoption paperwork, signed and sealed through the courts to begin the tattoo journey.

    We do not require notarization or ID for minors to do a consultation, except in the case of proving that the age of the minor is at least 16.

  • Yes!

    Fingers, knuckles, behind the ear, sides of the feet, sides of the hands, elbows, and kneecaps. I would expect a touch-up to be needed.

  • It really depends on what design, where it’s placed, and what size it is. Feel free to get a consultation with one of our artists, or stop in, to get a price quote!

    At Hawthorn, our artists are a combination of by piece, and hourly. It just depends on what you are looking for.

  • It depends. Size, location, subject matter, and style all play a factor on how long a tattoo can take. There is unfortunately no set formula. Feel free to get a consultation with one of our artists for a time quote!

  • You are more than welcome to contact us! We would be happy to assist you with any questions you have. There is no such thing as a stupid question, so feel free to ask away. <3